
Technology Meets Romance

Pioneering the Future of AI Dating

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Turn the Online Dating Odds
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Find Love Without Compromising On Chemistry

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Online Dating Shouldn’t Feel Like Playing the Lottery

Endless swiping, catfishing, and awkward dates - typical online dating is full of risks.

You shouldn’t waste time finding your perfect match or settling for a relationship lacking mutual attraction. With Iris Dating, you don’t have to settle.

Successful Relationships Start With an Attraction to Each Other

Attraction is the First Sign of Chemistry Daters Seek in a Match

That cute guy in the coffee shop, the beautiful woman on the train — we've all been smitten in real life by someone at first sight. That's the power of True Attraction.

iris Dating applies artificial intelligence to understand who you are attracted to and uses that understanding to present you with matches to people who also are attracted to someone like you. With our AI dating app, you can start your new journey together from a place of mutual attraction.

1 : 1,000

Strong attraction – the kind that makes your heart flutter is extremely rare.

1 : 1,000,000

Finding mutual attraction is even rarer.

30 years

It can take 30 years to find mutual attraction by swiping through typical dating apps.


The chance of finding mutual attraction increases 40-fold with Iris Dating.

Let Attraction Be Your Guide

Iris Dating makes it easy to find your best matches

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Register Your Free Iris Dating Account

Available on the App Store and Google Play

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Teach AI Which Faces Attract You

Artificial Intelligence learns your type.

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Meet Someone Special and Get on Great Dates

More exciting matches in less time.

Iris Members Share Their Love

Trent Silvernail

Met a few good friends so far and the recent match... WOW! Most successful date I have had in years! This week will be the fifth time I see her in five weeks. See where this goes.


Hi! I just wanted to let you know because of your app, I have a Valentine’s date tonight! Thank you so much. I really like the way your app is built. And the interface is very user-friendly and unique.

Woman face with oulines

Online Dating, Reinvented Through Artificial Intelligence

We’ve Spent 100,000+ Hours to Better Understand What Drives Strong Mutual Attraction.

Our team of data scientists and passionate love geeks is constantly working to improve our patented algorithm that uses state-of-art artificial intelligence to determine attraction and compatibility, improving the matchmaking process more than 40 times.

Decoding the Mystery of Attraction with AI

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Start Matching With People You Find Attractive